Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Play the "Party Quirk" Game

The "Party Quirk" game was made somewhat famous by a fun show where comics performed improvisational acts before a large audience. It was fun to watch the comics come up with funny lines and behavior that would keep the audience rolling for the full half-hour. If youre planning to have a party soon why not play "Party Quirk"? You, as well as your guests, will be laughing hysterically! To start the game one person is chosen as the host or hostess of the "party". Another person writes down suggestions for the other players. These suggestions are based on strange quirks or personalities that the party guests for the game will take on. Its much more fun if some people are in the "audience" and some people will be the party guests. Keep the number of "guests" to a minimum of three or four or youll have chaos rather than fun.

Each person who will be a party guest during the game will be given a card telling him what quirk or identity to act out. For example, one persons card can say that he is a frat boy hanging out with his buddies. Someone elses card can say that he is many different animals. Make the quirks or identities as funny as possible.

As the party starts, the host or hostess asks the first guest to come through the "door". The guest immediately enters and begins acting out his or her role. After a few seconds, the host or hostess brings in the next guest, and so on, until all the guests are on the stage performing their quirk or personality at the same time. The person who has made up the personalities, and is dishing out the cards, can make a copy for himself, with the performers name on it, or can just memorize which roles or quirks he gave to which performers. This person is also responsible for saying when the game starts and calling "time" when the game is over. This can be done by either setting a timer so that the game party lasts for several minutes, or by keeping the game running until all personalities or quirks have been identified. During the party, as the hilaritiy ensues, the host or hostess goes through the motions or monologue of throwing a party. For example, this person can ask the first guest to enter then inquire as to what he or she would like to drink. Instead of a normal answer the person will respond in a way that reflects the personality or quirk he has been given. At any time, the host or hostess can say what he or she thinks the other person is. If its correct, the person leaves the stage. If not, the person continues on with his character. During the game the players can, if appropriate, interact with each other. For example, if one person is a drunk in a bar, he might try to pick a fight with another person on the stage. That person can interact in return but must stay in character. If the game is played by timer, the person running the timer can simply call out when the game is over, and at that time the host must then say what each person was acting like. The person calling "time" also has another responsibility. He or she must decide if a guess is "close enough". For example, if the personality was a lonely vampire, but the guess was "sad vampire", the judge can call "close enough". At that point, though, the judge should say what the real quirk or identity was just for the curious. If youre one of the personalities try not to give your quirk or identity away immediately. Be a little more subtle so that the host or hostess must actually think about what you are supposed to be. Its a fun game that has no winners or losers, just lots of laughs!

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